Mill Creek Cincinnati videos produced by Gwen Marshall and placed on YouTube.
(This page of videos was produced to show off the Mill Creek, but to save money, it is using a space from a web page that is currently being managed by Gwen. I am not able to remove the political header from this page without removing it from the rest of the pages, but it also serves the purpose of linking information to the political page.)
This list is sorted by its location on the Mill Creek – mostly north to south also known as upper to mouth of the Mill Creek.
This video contains footage from much of the area south of I-275:
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Yacht Club trips Sept’14 – Oct’15
This video is shows Mill Creek Yacht Club trips from Sept 2014 – Aug. 2015
Butler County – the source of the Mill Creek that goes through Cincinnati.
This section is about 10 miles long & is north of I-275.
This part of the Mill Creek is not a normal public paddling trip destination, but is the location of a 1 to 2 mile clean up each fall.
This following 4 minute video was shot on a short section of an exploratory trip of the upper section of the Mill Creek showing how we got over the tallest log jam of the Mill Creek.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: The big snag
Hamilton County Upper Mill Creek
- starting at Twin Creek Preserve, just north of I-275.
Trips starting at Twin Creek going to Reading:
Mill Creek Greater Cincinnati Sharonville to Reading
This video shows some of the adventures of paddling the Mill Creek from Twin Creek in Sharonville, through Evendale and ending in Reading. The pictures and video were shot in 2015 & 2016 by 3 different people.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Urban Stream Adventure
This video shows the adventure of paddling the Mill Creek using footage from the Sharonville to Evendale trip on Dec 12, 2015
– – Trips starting in Evendale and going to Reading – –
Mill Creek Cincinnati:: Preview Re-creation Trip
This video shows what a Mill Creek Yacht Club Re-Creation Paddle Trip looks like
Mill Creek Cincinnati: ReCreation – Canoe Trip info
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek: Evendale to Reading, the route being used for the annual September Paddle Trip that is part of the Celebration called Re-Creation.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Re-Creation 2014 canoe trip & party
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek’s Water Shed Council of Community’s annual fall celebration/party called Re-Creation. This video shows the canoe trip and the party from 2014.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Re-Creation Canoe trip 2015
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek: Watershed Council of Communities’ annual fall event titled “ReCreation”. This is footage from the 2015 canoe trip associated with this event.
This video was shot on a special purpose trip between Evendale & Reading:
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Leviathan III Removal
This video is about the Mill Creek Yacht Club cutting up and removing a thick plastic tank on a skid that has been called “Little Leviathan 3.”
Hamilton County Middle Mill Creek
– from Reading to Northside in Cincinnati
– I-75 (the Mill Creek Expressway) has altered the path of the this section of the Mill Creek.
Northern Part of this section: Reading to Caldwell Park in Carthage
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Reading to Caldwell Park
This video (showing mostly moving footage) shows what the Mill Creek looks like during a “Mill Creek Yacht Club” canoe trip from Koenig Park in Reading, Ohio to Caldwell Park in Cincinnati in June 2016 The water level was comfortably high enough that we could do more paddling, drifting and floating than our usual walking and dragging the canoes. The footage for this video was from a camera hung around the neck of a person in the front of a canoe who had an experienced person in the back who was paddling and steering the boat on his own. (One correction, I said Carson St. when I should have said Clark Rd. for the location of a metal walled low head dam.)
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Reading to Carthage trip
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek: Reading to Carthage Trip undertaken by a group of 3 Mill Creek Yacht Club members in October 2015. The video features multiple locator maps to help the viewer better understand where these pictures were taken. These pictures were taken by all members of the trip.
A section of the West Fork Creek, the creek that comes into the Mill Creek near I-75 & Cross County Highway – Galbraith Road Area.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: a mile below Winton Wood’s Lake – West Fork Mill Creek
This video is about a walking trip in the section of West Fork Mill Creek starting at the upper bridge in Glenwood Gardens to Springfield Pike. The pictures were taken in January 2015 on an exceptionally warm day.
This video was shot off of Caldwell Park, looking north from North Bend Road
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Swimming Groundhog
This picture of the swimming groundhog is designed to show the difference from the swimming beaver.
Trips in the section from Carthage to Salway Park in Northside
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Caldwell to Salway
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek: Caldwell to the Salway Park pull out across from Spring Grove Cemetery. These pictures were taken in April 2016.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Caldwell to Salway- rest of the story
This video is about Cincinnati Mill Creek: Caldwell to Salway telling the rest of the story in that the Mill Creek is not a good creek for inexperienced people to paddle without experienced Mill Creek paddlers to help them on their first few trips. Video from April 2016.
A trip which started at Towne Street – Center Hill & ended at Salway
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Full Moon trip thru Ivorydale
This video is about the Mill Creek Yacht Club Nov. 25, 2015 Full Moon canoe trip thru Ivorydale in Cincinnati, Ohio.
This trip started at Carthage but went all the way to Millvale
(Mill Creek Road – yellow bridge)
Mill Creek Cincinnati Caldwell to Millvale May 20, 2017 Mill Creek Yacht Club trip
The trip started at Caldwell Park and ended at the West Fork Garage in Millvale on May 20, 2017.
Pictures taken from shore in the area from Salway to Millvale
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Salway to Yellow bridge May 12, 2017
Shows Salway to Yellow bridge on May 12, 2017 from the bike/hike trail after a recent rain event.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: New Sandbars below Salway Dam
This video is about New Sandbars below Salway Dam that have grown since the construction along the I-75 Mitchell Ave. Area. January 2016.
This video is taken on the West Fork of the Mill Creek that comes from the Mt. Airy Park area. This highly channelized (cement walls) section of the creek comes into the Mill Creek just above the yellow bridge of Mill Creek Road in Millvale.
Mt Bike trail proposed for Mt Airy – watershed of Mill Creek Cincinnati
March 2017 flooding in the West Fork channelized creek.
This video is about the location in Cincinnati’s Mt. Airy Forest where a bike trail is being proposed. Currently there is a round trip walking trail in this area which runs parallel to the hillside. CORA is wanting to build a trail over some of the walking route and some of their own route and in one area their map shows that there would be up to half a dozen trail sections running parallel to the slope of the hill. This video also contains also contains footage from the
March 2017 flooding in the West Fork channelized creek which is downstream of this proposed trail system change.
Hamilton County Lower Mill Creek
– from Millvale (Mill Creek Road, West Fork Garage, yellow bridge) to the Ohio River.
– the Queensgate Rail Road Yard & related tracks on both sides of the Mill Creek have altered the path of the this section of the Mill Creek.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: The Lower Mile
This video is about Cincinnati’s Mill Creek’s lower 2 miles combing creek footage from the Mill Creek Yacht Club’s 100th trip on May 4, 2014 with hill top views of the Mill Creek from the westside’s Price Hill in August 2015.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Millvale to Ohio River & back to Barrier Dam
This video was compiled from 1 minute interval pictures from a GoPro during the April Fools Day 2017 UC Canoe trip on the Mill Creek in Cincinnati with the Mill Creek Yacht Club. This trip started at the yellow bridge, went to the Ohio River and ended at the Barrier dam. The trip was about 2 1/2 hours long and the video is about 10 minutes long.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Millvale to Ohio River & back to Barrier Dam
This video was compiled from 1 minute interval pictures from a GoPro during the April Fools Day 2017 XU Canoe trip on the Mill Creek in Cincinnati with the Mill Creek Yacht Club. This trip started at the yellow bridge, went to the Ohio River and ended at the Barrier dam. The trip was about 2 1/2 hours long and the video is about 10 minutes long.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Millvale to Ohio River June 2015
This video is about the June 18, 2015 trip on the lower Mill Creek. It shows trip #123 from safety talk to the lunch gathering afterwards. Water level was comfortably a bit above normal for June.
High water pictures in the lower Mill Creek
Mill Creek Cincinnati: high water (42′) but not flooded
This video was shot after 3 days of rain = about 3″; at the point these pictures were taken it had not rained for about a whole day.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: 42′ on CSO 5 Lick Run gauge Dec. 29, 2015
This video was shot after 3 days of rain = about 3”.
Pictures taken near the mouth of the Mill Creek & the Ohio River
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Paddlefest Mill Creek Tour Preview
This video was designed to advertise the Mill Creek Tour first conducted during Paddlefest in August 2016.
Mill Creek Cincinnati Paddlefest 2017 Tour
Most of the pictures in this video were taken from the RR bridge over the Mill Creek closest to the Ohio River during Paddlefest 2017. In addition to pictures, you can also hear about the history of the Mill Creek in relationship to this 1/2 mile tour of the Mill Creek in Cincinnati.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Busy Beaver
This video was shot in the lower basin of the Mill Creek in Cincinnati, on a cool/rainy January morning, about an hour after sunrise. It shows a beaver swimming, eating and working within a human changed river environment.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Under the Stone Arch Bridge
Going Under the Cincinnati Mill Creek’s Stone Arch bridge located under the 6th St Viaduct.
This video was shot at the Northside 4th of July Parade showing the Mill Creek Yacht Club, some of the members and some of their boats.
Mill Creek Cincinnati: Yacht Club in Northside 4th of July 2015 parade
This video is about the Mill Creek Yacht Club in the Northside July 4 2015 parade.