The “Hamilton County Green Party” is Looking to the future with hope and optimism.

We believe we can truly change history – that together we can make a real difference in the quality of our lives and environment. Our common destiny brings us together across our nation and around the globe. It is for us to choose how we will be remembered. It is for us to choose the future we are creating today based on our Green Party’s 10 Key Values and Green Party Platform.

The Green Party stands ready to strengthen global Green solidarity on a basis of our common commitment to the Four Pillars of Non-Violence, Grassroots Democracy, Ecology, and Social Justice. The Southwest Ohio Green PAC (PAC = Political Action Committee) exists to allow Green Party members and other Greens to work together and show their support for the work of the Hamilton County Green Party and the Green Party of Ohio by joining their efforts to focus the political power of the people to:
– preserve and restore viable ecosystems,
– establish social justice and equity;
– foster participatory democracy;
– promote & practice non-violence as a means of conflict resolution;
– ensure the rights of a community-based economic system for all people.

Our common destiny brings us together across our nation & around the globe. It is for us to choose how we will be remembered.

Contact information for the Hamilton County Green Party — (513) 541-6978 &/or

General contact information for the Southwest Ohio Green PAC, incl. web page: email-

Join Us

We subsist solely on members’ contributions, we do not accept corporate money, so your generosity is appreciated. Donations can be made to the SWOHG Political Action Campaign Account or the Hamilton County Green Party Campaign Fund Account. Donate Today

The Green Party’s symbol is the sunflower.

Web Page Owner – This web page is paid for from the accounts of both the “Southwest Ohio Green PAC” and the “Hamilton County Green Party Campaign Fund.” Gwen Marshall is the treasurer for both accounts. The official mailing address and contact information is 1417 Bercliff Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223.

This link will take you directly to the Main Menu for the SWOHGP web page Navigator if you are on a computer. If you are viewing this page on your phone, the different pages are listed by tapping on the 3 short parallel bars at the top right corner of each page.