Elected in March 16, 2016 Green Party Primary
Information related to the March 15, 2016 Green Party Primary in Hamilton County, Ohio
Elected for District 4 State of Ohio Green Party Central Committee
Gwen Marshall,
Don Rucknagel,
Dorsey Stebbins,
Nathaniel Lane appointed 6/11/16
Elected for Green Party Hamilton County Central Committee Members
(there are open seats available for appointment.)
Josh Krekeler,
Gwen Marshall,
Don Rucknagel,
Dorsey Stebbins,
Kim Wise
Nathaniel Lane – appointed 5/26/16
Richard L. Schoeff – could not serve
Kurt Kishler – could not serve
Re-Elected at April 2016 Hamilton County Green Party Central Committee Meeting
Co Chairs: Gwen Marshall, Don Rucknagel
Secretary: Josh Krekeler
More information from the Central Committee members
Joshua Krekeler of Hamilton County
He has served as both a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Southwest Ohio Green Party and the Hamilton County Green Party since 2005. A native Cincinnatian, he represented the Green Party in the We Demand a Vote alliance, which opposed the Hamilton County jail tax in 2007, the installation of red-light cameras in Cincinnati in 2008, and the sale of the Cincinnati Water Works in 2009. He is a passionate advocate of greater citizen engagement in public affairs as a way to empower the politically disenfranchised. He supports all varieties of independent and “minor-party” politics because he believes people should be aware of approaches to policy issues beyond those offered by the Democratic and Republican Parties. email address jollygreenjosh@fuse.net
Gwen Marshall
She was raised Republican and worked with more Democrats than Republicans in the 1990’s when actively working on forest preservation and fair trade issues, but said that she never felt like she fit in with either party. The Green Party is the first political party she joined where she said she actually fit in belief wise and has now only voted for Green Party candidates for President in the general election since 1996. She said that she could work with a wide diversity of people from both of the major parties on the things agreed on but also found there was much where she also disagreed. She has said that she is tired of being told to vote based on a choice of “the lesser of two evils” believing that when told to choose between two evils, one needs to find a better choice and that is why she started the campaign in southwest Ohio in 2000 to get Ralph Nader on the ballot. The outpouring of interest and activity in southwest Ohio made her know that we were headed in the correct direction with founding a new Green Party here. She worked on getting David Cobb on the ballot in 2004 as the official Green Party candidate and was saddened to see Ralph Nader go off in his own direction away from his 2000 goal to form a viable US Green Party. She also worked on the 2008 Ohio campaign to get Cynthia McKinney on the ballot as well as on Tim Kettler’s 2006 Secretary of State and 2008 Ohio Senate campaigns. She remains the current treasurer of the Southwest Ohio Green Pac, works on the web page www.swohgp.org email address swohgp@fuse.net
Donald Rucknagel
He is a semi-retired academic adult hematologist – treating patients with diseases of the blood. He came to Cincinnati from Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1987. He had been a Democrat for all of his adult years, but in 2010, became disenchanted with both major parties over the mess that they had made of the economy, so then became a Green. He was first appointed to their State Central Committee and has been serving a an Ohio Representative to the National Green Party’s steering committee for the past several years. He says that he believes that the richest nation on the planet should provide health care for all of their citizens, as do every other industrialized nation. To further that cause, for 20 years he has been a member of Physicians for a National Health Program. For the past eight years he has been on the governing council of the Single Payer Action Network of Ohio that has developed and is endeavoring to have enacted a publicly funded comprehensive, universal health care system for Ohio. The national, state and local Green parties are supportive of that legislation. The level of unemployment in this country is unsustainable. To provide jobs, he supports government at all levels to be the employer of last resort. The books should be balanced in subsequent years by tax increases when the economy has improved. The current penchant for austerity is disastrous. The planet is imperiled; he would endorse responsible proposals at all levels of government to address that problem. email address: ruckndl@fuse.net
Dorsey Stebbins
His main concern is for what is right and good for our community, country and world and not just loyalty to the Green Party. Presently, with this concern he has enjoyed the freedom that is given him and all members in the Green Party. He has been doing what he can to fight the continuing effort of Cincinnati to eliminate urban poor from our city. Recent examples are: (1) allowing Western and Southern Insurance Co. to force Cincinnati Union Bethel to sell Anna Louise Inn, (2) replacement of Arby’s on Sixth and Vine with Panera, and (3) continual disregard for mixed housing. He is always advocating that any capital investment that Cincinnati and Hamilton County makes that involves jobs must stipulate that those employed must be a majority of local residents of the tri-state. Therefore, it is important for us to have public instruction for our unemployed to learn new and modern skills. email address dstebbins@cinci.rr.com
Kimberly Wise
She has been an active Green Party member since 2001. She also served as the National Delegate from the Green Party of Ohio for 2 years and was a past member of the Green Party of Ohio State Coordinating Committee. She had been a member of the coordinating committee of the Southwest Ohio Green Party and then the Hamilton County Green Party. She is a Registered Nurse working actively in the profession for the past 30 years. Green Party values have shaped her views and influenced her life and decision making. The current government and economic position our country has caused great disappointment. For these ongoing issues within our current government, she is even more committed to bringing the Green Party to fruition. email address kswise1@gmail.com
Nathaniel Lane – appointed May 26, 2016, email address: lanenathaniel@gmail.com He has not yet supplied a ‘bio’ for this web page, but is currently serving as a co-chair for the Ohio Green Party as well as a member of the Hamilton County Central Committee.
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