Green Party – Voter Resources – Official Government Sites
Environmental & Forest Protection Organizations – Trade, Economic, & Social Justice Issues
Progressive News and Information Sites
Educator Resource & Green Living Resource Sites

Green Party
General contact information for the Hamilton County Green Party: (513) 541-6979 &/or [email protected]
General contact information for the Southwest Ohio Green PAC: (513) 541-6978
The Green Party of Ohio (GPO) used to be divided into geographic regions for the purpose of establishing local activity. This was changed in 2010 to where the Ohio Green Party is now divided into county parties and these parties are divided into the 11 State School Board districts for the purposes of electing delegates to the Ohio Green Party State Committee. The Hamilton County Green Party is an official member of the Green Party of Ohio. Hamilton along with Warren County are in region #4, which is officially defined as the 7th, 8th & 9th Ohio Senate Districts.

The Green Party of Ohio’s web page is The official mailing address is
Green Party of Ohio, c/o 1021 E. Broad St, Columbus OH
The GPO is affiliated with the Green Party U.S. (GPUS), the Green Party with FEC (Federal Election Commission) status, formerly called the “Association of State Green Parties,” the web page is
Useful national & international Green Party Links. This web page contains information on Green Party U.S. election history along with a listing of current Green office holders.

Voter Resources
To find out about election related issues in Hamilton County you can go to the Hamilton County, Ohio Board of Elections Web Page You can also check on your voter registration, polling location and other useful information by clicking on the tab “Check Registration” and then typing in your address. If you don’t find yourself in this data base, you may not be registered at the address you have given so you might need to update your address or register to vote. During the work day (8am-4pm) you can call the board at (513) 632-7000. You must be registered at least 30 days before the election to vote in that election. You can register to vote on line if you have an official state ID, like a driver’s license to provide your signature; otherwise you will need to fill out a paper voter registration form. You can find and return these forms to the local public library or the DMV (Depart of Motor Vehicles) or to the Board of Elections office either by mail or in person.
To find out about election related issues statewide, in Ohio you can go to the Secretary of State‘s Election web page:
The League of Woman Voters of the Cincinnati Area‘s web page will provide links to many government sites, information about where you vote, information on what is on the ballot for you as well as contact information for elected officials. –
From the LWV Cincinnati web page there is a valuable page called, “KNOW HAMILTON COUNTY – YOUR GUIDE OF HOW COUNTY GOVERNMENT WORKS” that tells a bit about useful government and non-governmental bodies and officials within Hamilton County, Ohio.
Another page of the LWV Cincinnati web page is a “Voting Help” section: This also includes an informative paper on how to run a Candidates’ Forum:

Official Government Sites

This is general the Ohio Map. For more clarity, go to this link, you can type in your address to see which House and Senate district you are in.
The best general information source on legislation in the U.S. Congress is
Sites related to how we are governed
You can help end Corporate Personhood check out the Move To Amend Website.

Environmental & Forest Protection Organizations

The Mill Creek runs through the heart of Hamilton County and Cincinnati. Most people only get to see it from the highways or bike trails. If you want to see what our Mill Creek looks like from the water scroll though the list of YouTube videos and locator maps to see the videos about the parts of the Mill Creek in Cincinnati that interest you.
The Sierra Club‘s local organization is called the Miami Group. You can read about the local group at or contact them by phone at (513) 841-0111. You can learn more about the Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club at

“The Arc of Appalachia,” formerly “The Highlands Nature Sanctuary” is actively buying up land in south central Ohio to restore wilderness to the Ohio landscape, and save a portion of the once-grand Eastern Deciduous Forest. With low overhead and aggressive land-buying, they are a rapidly-growing and effective organization. Educational workshops and guided hikes available. Read about them at , call them at (937) 365-1935, or send email to [email protected]
Heartwood works on forest issues in the region that include Ohio forests. Read about them on their web site

Trade, Economic, & Social Justice Issues
The best source of information related to the fight for a fairer global economy is the web page of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch
The “Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center,” founded in 1985, is a coalition of faith-based organizations and individuals that is now named, “Ignite Peace.” They work together to educate around justice issues, take collaborative action and do public witness. They address local, national and international concerns focusing on economic justice, women’s issues, human rights, racial equality, peace and the environment.
Their goals are:to deepen awareness of justice as integral, not optional, to our faith network participating organizations and to collaborate with other concerned groups for stronger public witness and impact on justice and peace plan and carry out programs of education and action which affect structural injustice.
Their office is at the Peaslee Center in Cincinnati’s Over the Rhine area, (215 East 14th Street, Cincinnati OH 45202) and their phone number is 513-579-8547. Their web page is

Progressive News and Information Sites is a wonderful source of news and views for progressives. It has dozens and dozens of articles from folks like Molly Ivins, Barbara Ehrenreich, and other progressive columnists. It also has links to a variety of progressive organizations and magazines that are consistent with Green Party values. is the web site for The Foundation for National Progress was founded in 1975 to educate and empower people to work toward progressive change. The nonprofit FNP publishes Mother Jones magazine. is the web site for the magazine, The Progressive has existed since 1909. Its insightful articles are written by a variety of progressives.

Educator Resource & Green Living Resource Sites
Some of environmental education related sites are:
Energy Conservation for Kids
Kids Guide to Home Energy Saving>
This article is about teaching kids how to use technology in environmentally friendly ways:
including why it is important to teach strategies to help reduce the tech burden on the planet as well as use technology to our environmental benefit.
Start a Garden
Gardening with Native Plants
Attracting Native Pollinators
Conserve water, don’t waste it
Rain Barrel & Water Conservation Tips
100+ Ways to Conserve Water

Information of a general interest is posted on our Facebook pages &/or groups as well as placed in the appropriate Statements or Activities portions of this web page.
Hamilton County Ohio Green Party
Hamilton County Green Party in Ohio
Green Party in Hamilton County Ohio

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