Statement of Support for the Southwest Ohio Green Party by the Green Party of Ohio Coordinating Committee
The Southwest Ohio Green Party (SWOHGP) was a founding member of the Green Party of Ohio (GPO) and had been active as a local since the year 2000, (meeting monthly, establishing its own Political Action Committee and maintaining its own web page and list serve.) (The regional locals were replaced by regions defined by the state of Ohio School Board regions and county organizations in 2010 when the Green Party became an officially recognized party in Ohio.) The SWOHGP advertised on its web page (WWW.SWOHGP.ORG) its interest in helping to establish groups within its local jurisdiction, such as campus Greens. The GPO-CC supports the SWOHGP in its efforts to resolve the issues involved with the creation of a single-city Green Party in a location already being served by the SWOHGP. The GPO has defined the geographical jurisdiction of the SWOHGP which is displayed on the SWOHGP web site in the ABOUT US section and therefore considers the SWOHGP as the recognized local covering the Cincinnati area.
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