The Ohio Green Party Candidate Questionnaire page 1 of 5

Endorsements by the Green Party of Ohio are awarded to Green Party members and to people who join the party and decide to run for public office. We ask that candidate answer these questions as honestly and forthrightly as possible. The Personal Information portion of this form, (Section 4), will be held in strict confidence and will not be duplicated, emailed, or posted on the internet. It will be held by the Secretary of the Ohio Green Party for review by members of the State Central Committee and the Candidates Committee. The entire form will be destroyed within 30 days of the vote for your office or returned to you via the U.S. Postal Service.  
Forms should be sent/emailed to:  Logan Martinez, OHGP campaign committee [email protected];
Nathan Lane, Co Chair Ohio Green Party [email protected];
& Anita Rios, Secretary Ohio Green Party [email protected] 
If this is a Hamilton County located office that you are seeking, also email your form to Gwen Marshall, Hamilton County Green Party Co-chair [email protected]
I am seeking the Ohio Green Party endorsement for the office of:  ________________________________________
1. Vital Statistics

Last Name                                      First name                            middle initial    title     pronouns  

Street Address                                                             City State                         Zip code 

_________/_________/___________________ _________/_________/______________________ 
Phone Number #1                                          Phone Number #2 (if applicable)

email address(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________

media addresses/links _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth______/________/____________  Gender -__________________________                

Marital Status -___________________ Spouse’s name      ______________________________________________________

Children?  Yes/NO   ages? _______________________________________

Ohio resident?  YES / NO  U.S. citizen?  YES / NO 

Do you meet all age, residency, and other legal requirements for the office you are seeking?YES / NO / Not Sure  

Questions about your eligibility to run for office should be directed to The Candidate Committee c/o [email protected] &/or the other email addresses listed on this page. 

If you are reading this on-line, you can use this link to return to the Activities Page of SWOHGP or take this link to go to the next page of the Candidate Questionnaire pg 2 of 5